Our young student Praachi trains at both the Sellersville and the Skippack dojos of Shuto Karate Club. Right now she’s in India with her family, visiting relatives and the ‘home country.’ While there, she has been training at a Shotokan school in the city of Rajkot when she’s able. Her dad tells me that the classes have 20-25 students and take place from 6 to 8 AM. (The latter is unsurprising as Wikipedia says that the average high and low for Rajkot during June are about 100°F and 80°F…)
We look forward to Praachi rejoining us in late summer in time to perform her kata as part of our demonstration at the September 16th Pennridge Gallery of the Arts. We will no doubt learn a thing or two about karate practice in India. One thing she reported is that the warmups are hard. [See below].