Martial artists often debate the question, “Which is the best martial art?” Of course, the question needs to be fleshed out a bit: best for what? Usually this means, which is the best for self-defense? I don’t really know the answer to this, or even whether there IS an answer, because so much depends on who the teacher is, their…
I want to say a few words about the nature of karate training for the dedicated student. If you’ve taken my classes, you know how unlikely it is that I will say “a few words” about anything karate-related… And yet, here we are :-] . I’ll use a list format to keep it brief. Note that what I say here…
Tai Saba ki Tai sabaki – this Japanese term is used often in the martial arts. It’s usually translated as “body shifting” by English-speaking karate sensei, and that translation is good enough, considering how we use the phrase in teaching. Basically, it describes getting out of the way of an attack and/or positioning yourself advantageously for…
As was my impression at the time, the videos confirm that the our members did a great job at the demonstration. Here are some of them: Some .mov files: 2019 GOTA Josh breaks board 2019 GOTA Josh self-defense
This is the first in an occasional series of short posts on Gichin Funakoshi’s “twenty principles of karate,” a set of concise axioms describing the Master’s philosophy of applying one’s study of karate to one’s everyday life, and vice versa. The 20 principles were first published in 1938, when Funakoshi (“Shoto”) was 70 years old. The English translation I am…
The week after summer camp, we will debut our “Tiny Samurai” class on Monday and Thursday afternoons from 4:30 to 5:15*. This class will be of immediate benefit to the 3-6 year old children who participate. It will also prepare them to enter our children’s classes, which begin at 7 years old. (Or in some cases a mature child could…
On Sunday we did our first demo, during the 50th annual Pennridge Gallery of the Arts. I was very proud watching everyone perform to the best of their ability, or close to it. It is the role of any teacher to bring out the best in each student. We developed and practiced this performance for close to two months, and…
Our young student Praachi trains at both the Sellersville and the Skippack dojos of Shuto Karate Club. Right now she’s in India with her family, visiting relatives and the ‘home country.’ While there, she has been training at a Shotokan school in the city of Rajkot when she’s able. Her dad tells me that the classes have 20-25 students and…
Welcome to the blog of Shuto Karate Club – Sellersville, PA. We are just getting our website up and running, and going forward these posts will share news of our club and describe its teaching philosophy and methods. We will also make observations about the wider martial arts world, both present and historical. Our club endeavors to preserve and convey…
Lately I have been having conversations with some parents about how karate, when practiced sensibly, can benefit almost anyone physically and mentally, no matter what their starting condition. In talking about this, I mention that many of the Okinawan masters from the 19th century were reported to have been, or described themselves as having been, weak or sickly as children.…