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Dojo Events

Events that the dojo holds, such as cleanup/pizza day, or events that we as a dojo or an individual participates in.

Summer Camp 2019

Summer Camp 2019

We ran our first Summer Camp at the Sellersville location last week, during the first full week of summer. This was Shuto Karate’s first camp since 2015, which was two dojo locations ago, back at “Candyland” (actually a candy distribution warehouse) in Hatfield. Surprising probably no one, I would rate our first Sellersville camp to have been a big success.…

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March 23 belt exam!

March 23 belt exam!

March 23 was our semi-annual exam for kyu ranks (non-black belt testing), and the awarding of new ranks was Thursday. I was proud of all those who tested; everyone did close to their “personal best” and in a couple cases even seemed to exceed it. I and the other sensei noted some systematic technical shortcomings, which indicates flaws in our…

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Demonstration class in North Wales 10/7/18

Demonstration class in North Wales 10/7/18

My friend Yuka invited Shuto Karate Club to give a class for a group of children that meets at her house periodically to learn about Japan and the Japanese language. The name of the group is 日本語で遊ぼう, or, roughly translated, “Let’s have fun using Japanese (language)”. We had about 14-15 children participate, with ages ranging from about 5 to 10,…

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