Below is a list of some of the Japanese words and phrases we use in and around the dojo. This is meant to be a work in progress. My plan is to return to it from time to time to add to the notes found in the right-hand column as I get to it, and as I learn more. Also, if there are any words that you don’t see but think should be included, let me know.

Natural stance Shizentai
Feet-together stance Heisoku dachi (lit. closed-foot stance)
Feet-together, 45-deg angle Musubi dachi (Musubu means to tie, bind, or link, so I guess this is the position of your feet if they were bound and you were trying to unbind them!)
Forward stance Zenkutsu dachi
Back stance Kokutsu dachi
Horse riding stance Kiba dachi
Square stance (like horse riding w/ feet turned out 45-deg) Shiko dachi
Cat stance Neko ashi dachi (lit. cat-leg stance)
Front snap kick Mai geri (lit. front kick)
Side snap kick Yoko geri keage
Side thrust kick Yoko geri kekomi
Roundhouse kick Mawashi geri ( This comes from mawaru, to turn or rotate oneself, so I think it refers to the movement of the hips. Same verb as mawatte!, the command to turn (oneself).
Flying kick Tobi geri
Back kick Ushiro geri
Crescent kick Mikazuki geri
Stomping kick Fumikomi geri
Two kicks Nihon geri
Knee strike Hiza geri (Notice this is “knee kick”)
Foot or leg sweep Ashi barai (Barai refers to the motion of sweeping made by your leg)
Returning wave (as in Tekki Shodan) Nami gaeshi
Thrusting punch Tsuki (This and every zuki listed below actually means “thrust,” not “punch” per se.)
Standing straight punch Choko zuki
Lunge punch (same side as forward leg) Oi zuki
Same side punch (in place) Kizami zuki
Reverse punch Gyaku zuki
Rising punch Age zuki
Hook punch Kage zuki
Roundhouse punch Mawashi zuki
Mountain punch (Bassai Dai) Yama zuki (So-called because the Kanji character for yama (mountain) is this: 山. Turn it on its side and what does it look like?)
Double (triple) punch Nihon (sanbon) zuki (can pronounce “sambon”)
Sword hand (knife hand) block or strike Shuto uke or uchi
Pulling hand Hiki te
Hammer fist strike Tettsui uchi (Tettsui is apparently a contraction of tetsu tsui, or “iron hammer.”)
Backfist strike Ura ken uchi
Spear hand Nukite
Ridge-hand strike Haito uchi
Rising block (strike) Age uke
Outside (outside-in) forearm block Soto ude uke
Inside (inside-out) forearm block (strike) Uchi ude uke
Low-level sweep (strike) Gedan barai (uchi)
Opening block (as in Heian 4 step 14 & 18) Kakiwake
X-block Juji uke
Backhand block (strike) Haishu uke (uchi)
(Rising, side, roundhouse) Elbow strike (Age, yoko, mawashi) Enpi uchi (can pronounce “empi”)
Upper level Jodan
Middle level Chudan
Lower level Gedan
Teacher Sensei
Senior student Sempai
Training hall Doujo
Begin! Hajime!
Finish! Yame! (More commonly means “stop!”)
Turn! Mawattte!
Attention! Ki o Tsuke!
Try your best! Ganbatte! (can pronounce “gambatte”)
Meditation Mokuso
Formal kneeling position Seiza
Uniform Dou-gi
Belt Obi
Junior rank, colored belt Kyuu
Senior rank, black belt Dan
Master Shihan